<aside> 💡 This is the detailed Regulation of the Hackathon, available both in English and Italian versions. By applying at the hackathon and submitting your project, the hacker accepts what is written here and on the attached documents. Attached docs: Privacy Policy and Code of Conduct

For any doubts you can write to: i[email protected]

👉🏻 On the Hackathon Rules there is all you need to know as an hacker.


Last update: 22th July, 2024

🇬🇧 English Version

PREAMBLE a) WER S.r.l., with its legal headquarters in Rome, Via Beata Maria de Mattias no. 2, - VAT number 17627411006, represented by its CEO, Marco Galluccio, holds the rights to organize the event named "EthRome" and related activities in Italy (hereinafter referred to as the "Event"); b) WER S.r.l. intends to organize a time-limited, intensive, and highly selective competition to develop the best technological ideas or prototypes related to challenges chosen by the urbe.eth community in the web3 context (hereinafter the "Hackathon"). c) The Hackathon covered by this Regulation is conceived, launched, and organized by WER S.r.l. and will conclude with the awarding of prizes; the prizes serve as recognition of personal merit or encouragement and will be awarded to Participants who have distinguished themselves in the eyes of the jury for their innovative activities and dedication.

OBJECTIVES OF THE HACKATHON In the Hackathon, each individual competitor and/or registered team will be tasked with addressing the challenges set forth based on specific requirements and instructions. These directives will be outlined in the Discord platform channel dedicated to the event and on the Website (accessible at www.ethrome.org, the "Website"), along with other information, instructions, explanations, specifications, documents, and attachments provided both online and offline to Participants to complete the specific challenge.

PHASES OF THE HACKATHON The event is divided into 3 chronologically consecutive phases. Phase 1. Opening of Hackathon registrations and participant selection. Registration for the hackathon is formalized by filling out the form published at the address https://form.jotform.com/241011812625343. Phases 2 and 3. Event and award ceremony, as described in the following sections of this Regulation.

ELIGIBILITY The Hackathon is open to all: bright talents, specialized students, community members, graduates, and recent graduates interested in technology and innovation, bearing an interesting idea or project they intend to develop in the context of web3 challenges proposed by Urbe.eth community. The event is open to all individuals who have reached the legal age and, in general, to students, developers, innovators, professionals, makers, experts, and enthusiasts of marketing, digital, blockchain technology, and anyone who believes they have a good idea related to Web3.

REGULATION 5.1 Terms and Conditions The submission of registration and subsequent enrollment by each participant ("Participant") implies explicit, complete, and unconditional knowledge and acceptance of: a) this Regulation, including the Preamble and Objectives therein; b) the general information and role of WER S.r.l. c) the objectives, purposes, and instructions. e) the schedule of the Competition; f) the program/schedule of the Competition made known to Participants through publication on the Discord Platform and the Website. g) the Code of Conduct (next section 6); h) the Privacy Policy; i) the Release for the Use of Audio/Video and Photographic Recordings Made during the Competitions (next section 7). It is noted that, for technical and/or logistical reasons, the Organization reserves the right to unilaterally modify the Regulation, Briefs, and calendars. Modifications, updates, and/or additions will be valid and effective from the date they are made known through publication on the Platform and/or the Website (and/or, as the case may be and depending on the progress of the Hackathon, from the date they are communicated to Participants through the most suitable and appropriate means of communication, online and offline, at the Organization's sole discretion). It is the responsibility of Participants to frequently consult the Platform, the Website, the Regulation, Briefs, and calendars, taking into account the date of the last modification. Furthermore, the Organization reserves the right to unilaterally extend or shorten the duration of the Hackathon, suspend or postpone any date and/or deadline established, or even cancel the Event without Participants having any claim. 5.2 Registration Criteria Participation in the Hackathon is reserved for individuals aged 18 and over. Minors may participate with written authorization from both parents or another legal representative; furthermore, they must be accompanied by an authorized adult for the entire duration of the hackathon. The authorization must be accompanied by the identity documents of the signatories. To participate in the Competition, online registration is required, following the instructions provided on the website. Registrations made in ways other than those outlined, incomplete, irregular, or received beyond any established deadlines will not be accepted. The Organization reserves the right to verify the identity of Participants and the authenticity and correctness of the data provided at the time of registration using all necessary means; failure to provide the documents requested by the Organization, providing false information, inaccurate, not up to date, or incomplete information, will result in the exclusion of the Participant from the Competition, as well as any legal action that the Organization may decide to take. The data of all Participants will be included in the Organization's database in full compliance with applicable privacy laws. 5.3 Participation Procedure To participate in the Hackathon, Participants must comply with the following: a) Register by completing the online registration form. b) Enroll by clicking on the appropriate contest entry button. c) Participate in the subsequent steps of the Hackathon. Confirmation of the Participant's registration for the Hackathon will be communicated via email to the address provided in the registration form. 5.4 Participation Rules Participation in the hackathon is allowed for both teams and individual individuals. Participation in a team can be indicated during registration by completing the form as outlined in the previous sections. Those who registered as individuals can also request, after registration as individuals, and in accordance with the methods and timelines established by the Path, to form their own team with other registered individuals, or they can request to join an existing team. In the latter case, joining an already formed team will be subject to the exclusive discretion of the team to which the request is made. Individuals registered as individuals who wish to participate in teams but have not been able to access or form a team may, upon request, be grouped by the organizer into teams composed of a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 5 people each. Teams will be formed through the Taikai platform. Once the activities of the hackathon have begun, no modifications to the participation method will be allowed; therefore, those who have communicated their participation in a team must continue to participate in the hackathon, and in case of their exit from the team, it will be considered as an express waiver of participation in the event. Each Team is led by a Team Leader, chosen by the team members themselves. This leader will be considered, for all intents and purposes, the leader of the Team, both internally and externally, (the "Team Leader"). The Team Leader must be 18 years of age or older at the time of event registration. The Team Leader must provide an email address for official team communications with the Organization. At the end of phase 2, the team must select one of the two competition tracks on the Taikai platform: "Account Abstraction" or "Encryption Games - Privacy Track." Each track will have a specific ranking from which the winner will be determined. Each track will have its own prize.

CODE OF CONDUCT The following Code of Conduct (CoC) is mandatory for all Participants and all individuals participating in the Hackathon in any capacity. The CoC covers behavior in all Hackathon-related spaces, including but not limited to the Discord server, the Website, social media, and any other spaces and platforms used for the Hackathon. By participating in the Hackathon, all individuals agree to abide by this CoC and understand that violations may result in their disqualification from the Hackathon and/or further actions as outlined in the CoC. Respect: Participants must treat each other with respect, both in-person and online. Harassment and discrimination will not be tolerated. Harassment includes but is not limited to offensive verbal comments related to gender, gender identity and expression, age, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, sexual images in public spaces, deliberate intimidation, stalking, following, harassing photography or recording, sustained disruption of talks or other events, inappropriate physical contact, and unwelcome sexual attention. Discrimination includes but is not limited to discrimination based on any protected class. Anyone asked to stop any harassing or discriminatory behavior is expected to comply immediately. Privacy and Consent: Participants must respect the privacy and consent of others. Participants are not allowed to record, photograph, or livestream others without their permission. Before sharing images or information about others, participants must obtain their consent. In addition, participants are not allowed to share any private or personal information about others without their consent, including but not limited to addresses, phone numbers, or email addresses. Inclusivity: Participants must strive to create an inclusive environment where everyone feels welcome and able to participate. This includes respecting the backgrounds, perspectives, and experiences of others and avoiding language and actions that may be exclusionary. Collaboration: Participants are encouraged to collaborate and help each other throughout the Hackathon. The spirit of the event is to learn, create, and innovate together. Intellectual Property: Participants must respect the intellectual property rights of others. This includes not using, sharing, or distributing copyrighted materials or proprietary information without permission. Consequences of Violations: Violations of this Code of Conduct will be taken seriously. If a participant is found to have violated this CoC, they may be subject to disqualification from the Hackathon and/or further actions as determined by the Organization. This may include, but is not limited to, being banned from Hackathon spaces, having prizes revoked, or being reported to appropriate authorities. Reporting Violations: If you believe that someone has violated this CoC, please report it to the Organization immediately. Reports can be made to the designated contact person or through the designated reporting channel provided by the Organization. All reports will be kept confidential to the extent possible. CONTACT DETAILS FOR REPORTING If you have any concerns or wish to report a violation of the Code of Conduct, please contact the Organization at the following email address: i[email protected].


Participants are aware that during the Event, the Organization and/or its commercial partners will carry out audio/video recordings, and such recordings may also involve the Participants. Participants hereby authorize the Organization and its commercial partners, as well as their successors, agents, and assignees, to use - free of charge, in perpetuity, worldwide, including in partial and/or modified or adapted form - their personal data, as well as their portrait and the audio/video recordings of their person and the environments, premises, objects, and documents photographed and/or recorded during the course of the Event.

The aforementioned authorization implies the granting of a non-exclusive, transferable license to third parties for the use of the above mentioned for cultural and educational purposes, as well as for the dissemination and communication activities of the Organization for advertising and promotional purposes, including streaming, publication on the Portal and Website and/or on any other websites, and in the press, distribution and broadcasting on public and private television, and in cinemas, and includes, by way of example and not exhaustively, copyright and other related rights, as well as the rights of publication, reproduction, copying, and storage, even in electronic form, translation, transcription, transfer to other formats, editing, adaptation, processing, and reduction, communication and distribution to the public, projection, transmission, and dissemination, and all of the above also in a summarized and/or reduced version, in any manner or form, by any means known or to be invented in the future, for the purposes and within the limits defined above. In any case, any use that may harm the honor, reputation, or dignity of the person or persons portrayed, filmed, or recorded is excluded.


The projects presented by the teams at the conclusion of phase 2 of the Hackathon will be evaluated by a Jury, selected by the Organizer, which will be responsible for selecting the Winning Teams that will be able to proceed to phase 3 of the Hackathon (as described in paragraph 10 of this Regulation). The jury will evaluate the outputs according to the following evaluation criteria:

Further information and criteria on the assessment methods can be found in the ETHRome Hacker Manual at the following link: Hacker Manual Link. This Hacker Manual is an integral part of this regulation in every respect. At the end of the evaluation, a ranking will be drawn up for each of the two tracks, "Account Abstraction" and "Encryption Games - Privacy Track." The top 3 participants for each track are considered winners of the Hackathon. The Jury's judgment is final, and it is not required to justify its decisions. Participants expressly agree not to raise objections to the composition or decision made by the Jury. The Jury will assess the Submissions for phase 3 at its sole and unquestionable discretion and determine the ranking of the Submissions in the competition. Participants are informed and hereby expressly accept the exclusive and unquestionable judgment of the Jury at any stage of the Hackathon, which, in the absence of the conditions illustrated above, may also decide not to declare any winner.