At urbe.eth, we've been running 3/5 days developer bootcamps, called Urbe Campus, for the past two years, helping young students and developers go from 0 to 1 in Web3 development. Our most recent event, Urbe Campus #7 in Florence, brought our total student count to ~300.
Throughout our bootcamps, we've consistently been using ScaffoldETH-2 as the starting point for both Solidity smart contract and frontend development. However, based on extensive student feedback, we’d like to develop a more flexible and beginner-friendly version, from a web development point of view, called ScaffoldETH-Urbe, with a particular focus on addressing the recurring frontend development complexity we've observed.
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At Urbe Campus, we primarily engage young web developers and student developers—such as those from the 42 coding school—who are interested in learning Web3 and crypto development but have little to no prior development experience in this field, nor in Web development (JS, TS, React, Next.js). The campus aims to onboard these individuals by providing them with the foundational web3 development skills over a 3 to 5-day period, followed by an optional 30-hour mini hackathon. By the end of the program, students are often able to build a small project independently and gain the confidence to continue self-learning such as participating in future hackathons.
These are the ScaffoldETH features that worked best in our experience:
yarn chain
) – powerful for rapid testing.While ScaffoldETH-2 has served us well, we’ve identified a few areas where improvements are needed:
scaffold-eth-urbe will be a fork of scaffold-eth-2. We want to start with a fork because we plan to heavily modify the structure of the repository and frontend files. However, we want to explore, in the future, the possibility of converting the fork to an Extension compatible with the standard scaffold-eth-2.
Scaffold-eth-urbe will be focused on the following: